Monday, October 28, 2013

28 October 2013

Hey yall! I'm so excited to hear the good news about your member missionary work! The more you do it the more natural it feels. Thanks for keeping me updated in the work over there. I'm so glad that it's going well! Elder Christensen is so correct. We have complete control over our agency i.e extending the invitation, but we don't have control over others agency. That's a principle that you definitely learn out here. It can be quite frustrating at times when people you're working with choose to go against the light and truth that they've felt but just remember that it was God's plan to give us agency and Satan's plan to take it away from us. We have to experience the bitter to enjoy the sweet. I'm glad that I'm back by Airport Family Dentistry. I'll be having my teeth cleaned there this week. It's quite convenient because I realized my Dental insurance card was lost with my wallet way back when but since they have everything on file at Airport Family Dentistry, I'll be good to go. I'm glad God's helping me out and getting me through each day even throughout the stresses of trying to get all my things back in order. The work here is going well. It's a lot of planning for a lot of different people. Everyone has a different issue that they're going through, but they're all loving the gospel. Firstly is M&B: M is on probation and once she is off, her and her husband want to be baptized together. She might get off early in November for being good her first year. Please pray that things will work out for her. Then we have D&P: P is trying to overcome smoking. She has short term memory loss so it's difficult for her but she is a very sweet lady and her and her boyfriend D will work out either moving out until they get married or getting married once she has overcome this addiction. Warren: He's waiting for his mom Tomeeka to be baptized before he is. She works third shift so she is often sleeping so it's hard for us to meet with her. Pray that we'll be able to help her have the energy to meet with us and come to church on Sunday. Kruehto (Crew-too): He's from Burma. He's doing great there's just a small language barrier. He's been in the states for a little over a year but loves the gospel. There isn't a Book of Mormon available in the two languages that he speaks besides English but he is really striving to learn. There's a lot of good going on here. The members are fantastic and really have a strong desire to help us out. President Holm just gave me the okay to read it so please send it! I'm excited to get some great tips for helping out the members even more! I'm glad yall are planning with the missionaries and seeing success in that effort. Do yall remember an Elder Watson from like 6ish years ago? I may have already mentioned him but I met him in Spartanburg. He served in the Naperville 4th ward back then. It was pretty cool reminiscing with him. Keep up the great work! I love yall and I love this work. It's definitely the best thing I've ever done in my life! Love yall Elder Nair

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